Discover Ghent by night
Featured by HLN, VTM news and Made in Oost-Vlaanderen!
After a short reception with a drink, we jump into our kayak and discover the city center of Ghent by night.
We will park our kayak, have dinner and enjoy an inspiring talk of an entrepreneur.
We promise you that it will be an unforgettable evening with like-minded people.
Let’s connect, go on an adventure, and inspire each other!
- 5.45 PM: Reception
- 7 PM: Start kayaking
- 9 PM: Dinner in the city center of Ghent + inspiring talk entrepreneur
- 10.30 PM: Start torch kayaking, discovering Ghent by night
- 12 PM: The end
Price: 120 euro per person
You can subscribe by filling in the form below and transferring the amount to BE04 7330 4945 0731.
Please mention your first name and surname as statement.
Our kayak trip in July was featured by HLN, VTM news and Made in!